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Time Trials

There are now two choices of time trial course at OPP, the RED course is short, only 220 metres long but a very technical sprint course, very ninja like in design.

The BLUE course is 1 kilometre long with 31 obstacles and carries squeezed in, much less technical, more traditional OCR or Spartan like design to be a test of endurance as well as obstacle skill.

The full list of obstacles and there penalties are listed below. you can practice on either course during open practice sessions and if you just want to have a practice then you can time yourself, just be aware of others on the course.

If you want to really rest yourself then you can sign up below to have acompetitive timed round


OPP are pleased to be hosting one of a number of UKOSF time trials being held around the country, there will be a leaderboard at OPP and nationally to find the quickest short course racers in the UK, but dont worry if you dont think you can compete with some of these guys,it will still be good fun to test yourself on my course.

If you want to take on the challenge then click the link to book.

There will be an OPP leader board but if you want to be on the UKOSF one you will need to become a member you can join here

Red Course Obstacle List and Competition Rules

Obstacle Play Park time trials in association with UKOSF.

Course length:-  220 metres

Obstacles:-        20

Penalties:-         There will be a 45 second time penalty for non-completion of an obstacle, to be added                          to the final time

Attempts:-         You will be able to have 2 attempts of the course per visit, you can practice on the                                course anytime during open practice sessions but would have to abide to the hand                                sanitising rules for these sessions

  Obstacle List                                                   Completion Requirements 

  1. Three foot hurdle                                                    Clearance                                          

  2. Three foot hurdle                                                    Clearance

  3. Four foot wall                                                         Clearance

  4. Four foot sloped wall                                               Clearance

  5. Six foot wall                                                            Clearance

  6. Ninja rings                                                              Bell

  7. Trapeze rig/uneven Monkey bars                               Bell

  8. Low rig                                                                   Bell

  9. Spartan beater                                                        Bell

  10. High rig                                                                  Bell

  11. Ring traverse/monkey bars/beast bars                       Bell

  12. Eight foot wall                                                         Clearance

  13. Six foot sloped wall                                                  Clearance

  14. Balance beam                                                          Clear red line

  15. Farmers walk                                                           Completion of walk

  16. Balance beam                                                          Clear red line

  17. Low rig                                                                    Clear red line

  18. Climbing wall                                                            Bell

  19. Irish Table                                                               Clearance 

  20. Leap of faith                                                             2 feet on landing platform


Completion of a timed run will be when both feet are on the finish mark. 

A full list of guidlines and site rules are on the booking page

Blue Course Obstacle List and Competition Rules

Course Length:                   1 Kilometre

Obstacles: -                       31

Start/Finish Point: -           Chequered flag

Penalties: -                       1 Minute time added for non-completion of an obstacle

                                       5 Minute time penalty for Non completion of strength obstacles

                                       No’s 8, 16, 19, 22, 26, 27 & 28

                                       Additional 1 minute added for 5 or more penalties in a round

  1. Net Crawl                                                Completion

  2. Tyre Mangle                                             Completion

  3. Barb Wire Crawl                                       Completion

  4. Sinking Tyre Steps                                    Completion

  5. Tunnel                                                    Completion

  6. Rope Climb                                              Bell

  7. Stairway to heaven                                   Bell                                     Junior Option

  8. Log Carry                                             Completion                            Junior Option

  9. Close Hurdles                                           Completion                            Junior Option

  10. Rope Traverse                                          Bell

  11. Letterbox Wall                                         Completion

  12. Descending Monkey Bars                           Bell                        

  13. Low Rig                                                   Bell

  14. Olympus                                              Bell

  15. Slip Wall                                              Completion                             Junior Option

  16. Sandbag Carry                                          Completion                             Junior Option

  17. Ladder Wall                                             Completion                              Junior Option

  18. Z Wall                                                 Bell                                     Junior Option

  19. Tyre Drag                                             Completion                             Junior Option

  20. Balance Beam                                           Start before Blue Line                                                          Finish after Blue Line

  21. Inverted Wall                                           Completion                             Junior Option

  22. Sledge Pull                                              Past blue line and return

  23. High Rig                                                  Bell

  24. Balance Poles                                           Past Blue Line

  25. Narrow See-Saw                                       Past Blue Line

  26. Barrel Roll                                            Past Blue Line and RETURN barrel to start line                                                              Junior Option Farmers Walk

  27. Barrel Roll                                            Past Blue Line and RETURN barrel to start line                                                              Junior Option Atlas ball

  28. Hoist                                                  Completion                               Junior Option

  29. Weaver                                                Completion

  30. Warped Wall                                             Completion

  31. Dragons Back                                           Completion

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Obstacle Play Park,

Honey Crock Farm, Axes Lane, Salfords, Redhill. Surrey. RH1 5QL

Tel: 07802 754624


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